signs of pregnancy

First signs of Pregnancy

Some of the early signs of pregnancy can include, late or missed periods, morning sickness, food cravings and the increased need to urinate, to mention just a few.

Most women have regular periods so a late or missed one can usually be a sure sign that you are pregnant, Periods can become erratic if you are suffering from a bout of illness so if there is any doubt then a simple test can be performed either with the use of a home testing kit or by a visit to your local health clinic.

Morning Sickness is something of a misnomer due to the fact that a pregnant woman can feel nauseous at any time of the day, although it can be more common in the morning because it occurs on an empty stomach. Many women find that eating a dry cracker and sipping water before they get out of bed can help relieve the symptoms of morning sickness, fatty or greasy foods should be avoided as these tend to contribute to the feeling of nausea.

Food craving has been shown to be a strong indicator of pregnancy although it cannot on it's own be relied upon as definite proof of such and so again if there is any doubt then a pregnancy test should be undertaken.

The increased need to urinate is another of the early signs of pregnancy that is caused by the hormonal changes your body goes through, as the baby grows inside you the more pressure is placed on the bladder, although it should be noted that women in pregnancy are advised to drink lots of water, which in turn leads to more need of the bathroom.

Early signs of pregnancy

If a woman has not planned on getting pregnant then the early signs of pregnancy can be easily overlooked, especially seeing as how not all the symptoms of pregnancy are experienced at the same time.

Some expectant mothers can go the full term without ever suffering from morning sickness or nausea, nor have the food cravings that many others experience, even the missed period can and has been misinterpreted as a result of illness or change in contraceptive pill.

Many a news story has been covered about a woman going to the Doctors with back pains only to be told she is imminently due to go into labor, which serves to show that signs of pregnancy do not always occur for all mothers to be.

For those that are trying to conceive, the first signs of pregnancy are eagerly awaited, so all and any signs are feverishly noted. Many women are able to use the early signs of pregnancy to accurately calculate their due date to within a few days either way.

A lot of the first signs of pregnancy can be confused with other symptoms of common ailments, and often the woman will disregard the the signals until there is other signs confirming

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