

12 Signs Of Pregnancy

There have been many signs of pregnancy passed down through the ages and whilst many are nothing more than "old wives tales" (or should that be hopeful wives tales) some are quite accurate for determining date of conception and different stages of pregnancy.
Below is a list of the 12 most accurately accepted signs of pregnancy which many expectant mothers will experience, although it should be pointed out that some mothers to be, with the exception of missed periods, never notice or experience any of the usual first signs of pregnancy.

This list is in no particular order

Missed Period - Missing a menstrual period can generally be seen as one of the more obvious early signs of pregnancy. However, many women have missed periods for other reasons and conditions. These reasons can include an illness, stress, hormone imbalance and even a change in contraceptive pill.

Morning Sickness - Feelings of nausea can occur at any time of day although it is more frequent, as the term suggests, in the morning due possibly to the fact that the stomach is empty on first waking.

Tender or Enlarged Breasts - In the early stage of pregnancy, the body begins to undergo a series of changes in the normal hormone levels. There are several changes that will occur as a reaction to the new hormone levels. One of the more noticeable is in the shape and tenderness in the breasts. The breasts become larger and the nipples become sensitive, even painful, to the touch.

Increased Bathroom visits - The need to urinate more is one of the very early signs of pregnancy. Some women experience the increased need to urinate even before a missed period. There can be several reasons for this, one is the change in hormone levels, another is the fact that pregnant women need to drink more to stay hydrated. In the later stages of pregnancy the growth of the baby creates pressure on the bladder, causing more bathroom trips to be required.

Fatigue and Lethargy - The lack of energy is another of the very early signs of pregnancy which is sometimes hard to distinguish from other kinds of exhaustion. Changes in hormones in the body are again blamed but it should be noted that a pregnant women gains weight which can itself lead to tiredness.

Food Cravings - The cause of this pregnancy symptom is not yet known nor understood, but pregnant women have been infamous for uncontrollable appetite urges. In some instances the food combinations would in normal circumstances give cause for turning ones nose up in disgust.

Mood swings - Signs of pregnancy can often include emotional outbursts and even shows of irrational anger. The upset in the normal hormonal levels can quite commonly cause severe bouts of depression and irritability.

Sleepiness and exhaustion
- This symptom is not due to tiredness but is again a direct result of the hormonal imbalance that sets in during the early stages of pregnancy. Most hormone related symptoms disappear once the hormone levels stabilise themselves.

Bleeding or Spotting - This is a symptom of pregnancy caused by the embryo as it burrows into the wall of the uterus (or womb). This can sometimes be a cause of light bleeding or for spots of blood to appear in your underwear.

Stomach Cramps - This symptom is generally attributed to the embryo as it is moving through the womb. In most cases cramping has short term effect.

Enhanced Sense of Smell - Many pregnant women suddenly find that normal everyday smells can trigger waves of nausea. the reason for this symptom is not fully understood.

Heartburn and Indigestion - This is a common complaint in pregnancy, causing discomfort and sometimes nausea, it is generally alleviated through the use of antacid medication.

Several of the early signs aren't unique to pregnancy. Some can indicate that you are unwell or that your period is about to start. Still, if you notice any of the above symptoms  you should take a home pregnancy test, especially if you're not keeping track of your menstrual cycle. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to


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